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Technology Tip Number 50
Circles and Squares in Word



Did you know there is a drawing toolbar in Microsoft Word?  Here's where to find it and how to use it.

Normally the drawing toolbar will be located across the bottom of the window and it will look something like this:

drawing in word 1

If it's not there, you can bring it up by going to "View" on the menu bar, then "Toolbars" and then "Drawing"

drawing in word 2

Here's what some of the buttons do:

drawing in word 3

Using these drawing tools try making something like this:

drawing in word 4

Here are some hints:
When you click on the shape and start to draw it a box will appear that say's "Draw Here."  Don't draw in that box.  For some reason working with multiple shapes always seems to go easier when you don't draw in the "Draw Here" box.
If you hold the SHIFT key down while you draw an oval or rectangle you'll automatically get a circle or square.
If you need to move the circle on top of the square right click on the square, select "Order" from the menu that appears and then select "Send to Back"


PRACTICE ACTIVITY:  Try making your own original drawing using the drawing tools in Word

TO KEEP ON LEARNING:  If you'd like to learn more about the drawing tools in Microsoft Word try searching the internet for:

Microsoft Word Tutorials
Drawing tools +word



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